Monday, September 15, 2014

Presentation Hosted in Conjunction with NAIOP Cincinnati
Please join us for a luncheon and overview of the improvements to Ohio EPA VAP

(Voluntary Action Program) at Hilton Garden Inn at Austin Landing

Martin Smith, Division of Environmental Response & Revitalization and
Peter Whitehouse, Assistant Chief—Division of Emergency & Remedial Response for

Ohio EPA will provide an overview of the

Voluntary Action Program (VAP) changes being implemented.

Mike Grauwelman, Executive Director of Montgomery County Land

Reutilization Corporation will speak to NAIOP Ohio’s involvement with these changes.

NAIOP members $15.00 / Non-members $35.00 (Membership is on an individual basis and must be current to receive

the discounted rate. To register for this event email Stacy Monaghan at [email protected]